Telling Tales

WWI photo of my grandfather with his father, uncle, and cousin

My aunt Jean died a few years ago now. In her own words, she was a remarkable woman. As stubborn as any of us, and determined to enjoy life. Her flat was a treasure trove of interesting books and curious tidbits of information:
—did you know your great great grandfather corresponded with George Bernard Shaw and William Wallace?
—He also wrote an atheist funeral service complete with hymns.
—Another family merchant had a monkey and sold wheat to the Waterloo campaign.
—There was a wild woman who gambled away a fortune and died of a ripe old age in Monaco.

The truth has turned out to be even more interesting. Now I am unpacking these boxes and finding a curious amalgam of phrenology, archeology, autographed matinee idols, and snake skin…


Twelve Chairs with Mel Brooks